Chicken & Noodles

SH! SH! Slip out to the hen house and grab a chicken off the roost, or else chase one down, and take it to a block of wood and cut it’s head off.

When it gets through floppin’ have a bucket of hot water ready and dunk it in the hot water and then pick the feathers off.

Then singe the old bird over the fire to get the fizz off. Then give it a bath in water by scrapping the old dead hide off … as It never used lotions to keep its skin soft … Mercy! What a shame!

Then cut the old bird open by performing an operation by taking it’s GUTS out. This is called dressing a chicken. But I never understood this to me you are undressing the old bird instead of dressing it. What do you think?!

Now toss the old bird in the roaster, light the fire in the oven, and put water part way up on the old bird, salt and pepper it, cook until done, then pour the water or juice off of it into a bitg kettle, and get the juice boiling. Drop the noodles in, cut the giblets up in the juice. If the juice isn’t rich enough add a little oleo.


Beat 4 eggs with 1/2 tsp salt and add drop or 2 of yellow food coloring
Add flour enough to make a soft dough, but not sticky.
Roll dough out as thin as possible
Sprinkle plenty of flour over the dough after you have it rolled out, to keep it from sticking together.
Roll up like a cinnamon roll and slice thin and then you shake, Shake, Shake! Shake the noodles out into strands before dropping into the juice of the chicken.