2020 2nd and 3rd Quarter Newsletter

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2020 2nd and 3rd Quarter Newsletter Photo Gallery
Thomas F. Whistler
Whistler, John O’Kane
A. R. Quigg

Around Town

Corona virus has put a stop on everything here in Elk City. People are staying home. Restaurants, are doing curb side service, barbers, hair saloons etc. are shut down. Now in July things have opened up, restaurants have indoor dining and still have curb side service, people can get their hair cut along with other necessities. As of September citizens are getting out more, enjoying the sunshine before winter sets in.

Antlers Bar and Grill in town has moved to a new location. They opened up first of May. The new location is the Old Elk City Sun Building.

The alumni Banquet was canceled because of the virus.

The annual Elk City Old Settlers Day is canceled this year. Hopefully all things will be back to normal and there will be a fair in 2021.

Two squirrels has been given a face lift to its building, painting the outside a nice shade of red.

The churches are getting inventive. Elk City Nazarene Church, Pastor Terry Marta, is holding drive in services. You drive to ball park stay in your car and Rev. Marta uses a microphone and conducts services.

The First Christian Church, Randy Beeman, is giving his church service on video by way of Facebook and YouTube

Community U obtained a grant and is receiving produce, milk and periodically chicken. You drive up, stay in car, they open back seat door and put products on back seat, drive away, very slick. They are performing a great service to our Community. Community U has been a blessing helping out the citizens. They also provided 91 school kids with back to school supplies.

Two picnic tables have been added to Community Building and a nice bench to sit on out front. They were made by Bud Meador and the Clarence Bowers memorial fund.

New flag holders were purchased through a PRIDE grant to upgrade lost or damaged holders. Oak Hill has a lot of Civil War Veterans, WWI, WWII and some in between wars. Also holders were purchased for law enforcement, first res-ponders and fire fighters have Flag holders marked for a flag on Memorial Day.

Joan Newkirk received her 60 year pin from the Gingham Aprons FCE (Family, Community, Education) Club.

"Memorial Day"

Memorial Day at the Oak Hill Cemetery in Elk City has strong meanings to so many that live in, around and from a far. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for our fallen soldiers. We show respect on this day to those that have devoted their lives to protect and serve our country. As our small community has declined in population over the years, one thing remains strong and that is the devotion we have towards our fallen soldiers. Memorial Day is one day of the year when many come from all around to decorate the graves of their loved ones and stay around to listen to the program honoring our Veterans. This year was different and affected so many in different ways. Over the past years different organizations have taken time to walk Oak Hill Cemetery putting flags in the Military Markers. As time goes by and organizations
disband or changed, the process to replace the damaged and missing markers became a large burden on those trying to keep this recognition alive. Several years ago, our local Girl Scout Troop was asked to take over the honor of placing the flags on Memorial Day. That happened for several years, but as our Girls aged out of Girl Scouts and moved on, the Bennett Family decided to continue taking care of the project of maintaining the markers and placing the flags. As funding became harder and harder to get as well as the need for new markers grew, we faced the challenge of figuring out a different way to keep the project going. So, reaching out The Elk City PRIDE Organization was one avenue the Bennett Family pursued. Joining the Elk City PRIDE Organization has proven to be a worthwhile organization which many volunteers should investigate. Our group in Elk City is very active with helping our community grow, encourage beatification and support our citizens of all ages. Elk City PRIDE worked hard to achieve the recognition of Community of Excellence which opened the door for grant opportunities. Applying for the VIP Grant through the PRIDE Organization was challenging in itself, then you add in the many hours walking the cemetery and researching the directory to complete the application. All the hard work paid off in the end when we were awarded the VIP Grant. This VIP Grant provided funding to replace the Military Markers (Medallions) at the cemetery, markers for law enforcement and firefighters as well as flags to fly in these markers. Our Organization is very proud of the achievements we have completed with the help of the VIP Grant funds. Many of our Citizens stepped up to help complete the VIP Grant requirements. We have put up a new directory at Oak Hill Cemetery which displays the names and location plus additional information! We have added Military information, Masons, Eastern Star, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters. We have also noted if the person buried in their space is missing any head stones. We are hoping this additional information will be helpful to those looking for their ancestors, loved ones or even just friends. Since we have completed additional work on the new directory, we have uncovered additional Military Veterans that do not have head stones to signify they are buried in their lot; therefore, they do not even have the Veterans markers. We are working towards getting the Military stones replaced. The VIP Grant gave us the funds needed to purchase 350 Veterans Markers, 150 GAR Markers, 24 Firefighter Markers and 12 Law Enforcement Markers. In addition, we have purchased 468 new US Flags, 24 Firefighter Flags and totes to store the flags when not in use. We are very grateful to all those that came out to volunteer their time, supplies and energy to get this project completed. Most importantly we give our deep appreciation to the PRIDE, for the VIP Grant opportunities.

Tid Bits by Jane

Happy Spring! Everything is blooming, gardens are planted, flowers are bringing beauty to flower beds!  And we are still staying home and washing our hands! Definitely trying times for all. America will be forever changed by this, somethings will return to normal, but we will have a lot of new normal's  Most of us have abandoned Joe and the coffee table for the last month. We miss the visitation time, but seemed like we needed to do our part to stop the virus and if staying away is what the Pres. asked, we should do the best we can not to travel or do anything unnecessary. It’s hard to remember what day of the week it is when you don’t have a routine and events to go to. The virus did make it to CQ and Montgomery. with some losing family and friends. Do we remember a year ago, Snow on April 7th sure made the daffodils look sad! The farmers sure hadn’t planted much corn until about the 15th . The rainy weather is worse for the farmer than the virus.
If he could go spray, plant corn, work the ground, he wouldn’t be stressing about the virus and seeds in the sacks!  Just when the week looks like it will be warm and my garden dries out, there’s another rainstorm!  Or a FREEZE! Just when the trees are budded and flowers are blooming, Mother Nature has to ruin it.  I bought a few plants early and did plant some early seeds, but hard to get enthused about buying plants early in April and then have to cover them up. I covered plants 3 or 4 nights, so far they’ve survived. We’ve had years that covering didn’t help, just too cold. Litters of kitties being born, birds are singing, noses are running, eyes are watering and the wind is Blowing! The firemen/women weren’t called out so much this year, there didn’t seem to be as much uncontrolled burning this spring, maybe too wet! I’ve heard we’re 6-9 in. ahead of last year and we thought last year was wet! (that was early in year) It’s been strange not to go to church on Sunday.  Yes, there’s preachers and sermons on TV and Facebook, but it’s not like being there in presence. Even more so to not celebrate Easter, no egg hunt, no church, no family gatherings. I celebrated 61 years of living on April 4th with
ice cream, cake & were entertained by Amelia, all by social distancing. April 18th, Steve & I celebrated 39 years of being happily married to me! We had plans to fly to Florida and for our anniversary, that didn’t happen. We weren’t farming (planting corn) this time of the year 39 yr. ago, if it was now, the date wouldn’t have worked! And 30 yr. ago the 27th we welcomed a little boy to our house!   I bet he’ll remember this birthday! This month I learned that humans do really crave social interaction, maybe this time without it will make community events more important and being able to worship together more special.


June started out hot and dry after all that saturation. Wheat harvest and bean started and finished for some and for others the bean planting came to a halt when the soil ran out of moisture. We had a nice almost inch of rain on the 20th, which tremendously helped the corn crop and what beans were planted. Now to finish the wheat and beans, maybe even some double cropping. Sure, did help on the flowers & garden watering. Although it didn’t last long with 90 deg. temps. I lost all my zucchini & cucumber plants to bugs and I sprayed! I’m starting over. Those are the worst bugs ever, didn’t have a one last year.

I love my flowers and sharing pictures. I had a friend tell me she took the blooms personally on her flowers, as if the flowers are blooming just for her. There are some flowers I just can’t keep going and it’s sad if I try and they die, so I just don’t plant them. Sometimes no matter what you do, they just aren’t going to bloom or even live. Then there is that plant you can’t give up on, you just know it’s
going to grow if you give it more time. Or the ones that didn’t come up last year, but there they are this year in full of bloom. Flowers are like people, sometimes no matter what you do, that friendship isn’t going to bloom or out of nowhere here there they are, like they’ve never been gone. Choose the flowers that are compatible with your climate, your soil and that like you. Yes, plants like us or not, just like people. And if they aren’t going to grow and flourish, pull them out with the weeds and move on. There’s another one that will grow and flourish and bloom just for you!

We all sure appreciate Comm. U and their efforts to bring produce to the community. It takes time, gas & strong backs. Thanks girls & your helpers for all you do. Three young men were especially good helpers unloading 50/ 20lb. bags of potatoes;. Thanks for your help boys. I noticed a lot of people camping and boating since the virus has curtailed a lot of the other summer activities. Hope our lives get back to normal, whatever normal is for you. Mine hasn’t changed much, the farming still goes on, we can maintain social distancing quite easily. Just send the farmer to the field and it’s me and the flowers/garden. 😊

I had a good friend pass in May, talked to her one day and the next she is gone. So, from that….. What I learned this month: Life is short and you never know when it’s the last day. Get out of your
recliner, enjoy life, enjoy your family, go to family functions, visit your friends often, EXERCISE, Pray, go to church & clean out your closets so your kids don’t have too! ☺


RAIN, RAIN, RAIN! Just seemed to be a repeat of last May. All the rivers and ponds are full. It’s been pretty nice weather early May, little cool one week on my tropical plants. How’s the gardening? Most veggies like 60-70 deg ground temp. It takes fairly warm days to reach that temp. Mine have come up fairly well. Tomatoes and peppers are doing good. I think all the dirt washed off my potatoes. It’s flower planting season too. Love the flowers. One friend told me the reason I planted so many pots, it gives me something to do all summer watering them. By the end of summer, I’m tired of the watering and say, I won’t plant so many anymore. But flowers are the joy of life, plant them and enjoy! ☺ We’ve had to deal with some cold nights when we thought the frosting and freezing should be over. Our hearts full of sympathy for Edna Janzen and family. Roger passed away the first of May. We will miss him and hopefully the ag business he had will be able to continue with some-one else at the helm. The family gathered to celebrate Mother’ Day at Margaret’s on Saturday night. We are all still practicing social rules by having a cookout at the pond. Plenty of space, fresh air and fishing. It was a fun to get together finally. It’s always a special time when I don’t have to cook.! I had a call from my daughter, wish I was on the beach. Mother’s Day lunches, graduation parties, alumni banquets and Memorial Day are all part of May. It’s been different type of May this year, limited celebrations this year or even lack of. There’s a lot of information about the COVID 19, what to believe and not believe. Do masks help or hinder
our immune system? Does staying home keep the virus away or should we return to normal life and just be safe? Are they trying to edge out the little mom and pop shops by leaving the big store chains open? Why are some stores essential and others not. Why is Planned Parenthood essential and churches aren’t. And what is going on with the packing plants vs the cattleman? And what if it comes back in the fall, do we close schools, churches and events or businesses and ruin the economy We all have our opinions on the conspiracies? So far our area has been relatively free of the virus. Hope it continues. It’s good to have businesses and churches open again. What will the new normal will be as life continues on? Hope not continual riots and destruction, this is the United States of America, not a foreign country. What I learned this month: This is a great country, we enjoy life, freedoms & need respect of all.

There was a large gathering at the park on July 1st at the Freedom Sunday celebration to enjoy music, hot dogs, ice cream and fireworks. Thank you Tuck family for another wonderful fourth of July fireworks celebration! Also thank you to the churches that helped get this organized! It was great to see the community come together. God bless you all. We went to the Indy park for a picnic and fireworks on the 4 th. Sorry Indy, but Elk City has you beat. We also had a fun day with family & friends at the Watershed lake. The farmers could sure use rain on the soybeans and corn. There have been some spotty showers, even some receiving up to an inch, a widespread rain would be grand. Mid-month we received approx. 2”. With that came wind and hail… marble, golf ball, softball size up to grapefruit size, which is 4” was reported. Some of the fields are disappearing from deer foraging. We seem to be overrun with deer! Now we have worms eating the little bean plants, so thev spraying begins. Sure, makes it hard to raise a crop. ☹ After experiencing 100 deg. days, so back to watering flowers and garden. Like always one paragraph is too much water & the next is needing rain. My tomatoes are ripening, yippee! The Community U backpack event will be Aug. 7th. They gave away backpacks and school supplies for area Elk City students with Elk City addresses. This is a great community outreach group and your support is needed for our community to continue in these types of projects. Their money-making project is the Bingo, which was cancelled due to virus. If you’d like to donate to this cause, contact Community U. They have 91 kids signed up.

The USDA chicken truck came to town! 38,000 lbs. of chicken strips, patties & nuggets. Community U orchestrated the event. What an undertaking and when it was all over, the chicken was gone, it was a job well
done. Many, many individuals were given several boxes of chicken as well as many area food pantries to deliver to their communities. Community U your time and efforts are so welcomed and appreciated. There’s been several in the community that have made food runs, loaned equipment & numerous other efforts of help. The amount of food, milk and other products that have been given to our community is awesome. They pass out produce on a regular basis from the First Christian Church and the church continues to distribute commodities on an income basis once a month from the USDA. Don’t become dependent, just be appreciative for the amount we have received, because as they say, all good things come to an end. Area graduations are finally taking place, some inside and some outside. At least the Class of 2020 can find
some closure and move on, as if some of them haven’t already. The school starting date and the issue of masks is sure on everyone’s mind and conversation.

My opinions are not those of PRIDE, these are jo’s opinions. The Kansas State Fair has been cancelled for the first time in 106 years. Surviving the Flu pandemic of 1818-1819; two world wars, 9-11 and etc. Now the Covid 19 brings it down & other area fairs. There’s a lot of opinions about whether it’s blown out of proportion by the WHO & the CDC and other so-called experts. I don’t think anyone will disagree that there is a virus but to the extent they are mandating we stay home, wear masks and vaccinate, seems to be taking away our liberties. Never before have we been mandated to wear masks or be vaccinated. Why don’t we need to wear masks for the common flu or cold if we have it? Masks are to wear if you are sick not to spread, why are you out in the public if you’re sick? Oh, I know, the asymptomatic people! Vaccines for the flu or far worse childhood diseases are not mandated, it’s your choice, so why are masks and vaccines being forced on us now? We aren’t forced to stay home during flu season. Wash your hands, stay home and don’t spit on someone if you’re sick, use sanitizers, wear a mask if you prefer, be health smart. It’s hard for anyone who has to plan or cancel an event to know what to do. If you cancel, you’re giving
into the hype and if you don’t, you’re endangering people’s health. Nobody is going to be happy. So, with that, the Elk City Fair Board decided to cancel the fair. This is a sad decision and a hard decision. Kids need to go to school, people need to be able to visit, shop & go to events. Business owners need to prosper. America needs to live! And then there’s the not so peaceful protests and riots. Remember the songs, “What the world needs now is love sweet love, It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” And, “Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world; red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus Loves the Children of the World. God created different people and we can still be nice to each other. So, we can have different people in this world, we do have different people in this world. We aren’t all the same and we shouldn’t be, that wouldn’t be a very good world. I saw an old Star Trek, everyone on the planet was dressed the same, gender neutral, thought the same and so forth. what a boring world. And remember God said, “This is the first and great commandment. “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” What I learned this month: America has gone crazy. We need God to heal this land


I didn’t know how to start the newsletter this month. It’s usually full of fair items, reminders and pictures. Maybe it will make us all appreciate the fair and the attendance will be better next year. Even though the covid was the determining factor this year, dwindling attendance is also becoming a factor and it takes money to keep it going. We’ll just pray for next year to be better.

Summer seems to have rushed by. If you’re getting ready for school with enrollment, school supplies and new clothes, you probably feel like summer is about over. Thanks to the Community U girls for sponsoring the school supplies at the city hall. Approx. 91 children were helped. Thanks to all the individuals and organizations that helped them. All the first day of school pictures are fun to look at on
the Facebook pages. Although the first day of school has been nothing like the starting of school in “those days”, just a year ago. What a change, what a mess! On-line and in classroom. I saw the kids
lined up at the bus stop the first day with their masks on as they got on the bus and had their temperature taken! I would have a really hard time sending my little ones to school with a mask on. They can’t even keep their shoes and socks on, how are the going to keep a mask on!

The hot weather in July was about too much and all of a sudden, we had rain showers and it felt like fall for a few days! Although the humidity did not! The change in weather helped the soybeans, the corn is still hanging on. Some of the farmers are busy with haying, others were spraying worms that were eating the soybean pods. It sure feels as though we will have an early fall, but doesn’t the end of summer always feel that way. It’s still fairly hot and the end of summer sun seems to bear down even more, is it because it’s lower in the sky?

What another change from last year when we could go visit him, now hospitals and nursing homes are off limits. We went to the Coffeyville Rodeo last year which has been cancelled, although they did have a few events. Same with the local Longton Fair, the 4-Her’s exhibited their goods and animals and a few other events were held, but not the famous BBQ that I like to go to. It was good the local fairs were able to continue for the 4- Hers.

Are you planting fall gardens? The tomatoes, which were plentiful, are about finished for the year. I canned several pints of salsa. I didn’t plant any gourds, pumpkins or etc. I had high hopes but the squash bugs ate my zucs, so I didn’t feel like fighting them for round 2 with zucs & pumpkins. Maybe next year. I’ve enjoyed friends sharing cucs, zucs and cantaloupe. That’s what friends & family are for! And thank you for sharing. I sure hope nobody in the area is hungry. God has certainly blessed us with plenty of food and volunteers to keep the blessings going. If you receive food you don’t care for or can’t use, please pass it on to friends and family. It’s a shame to let any of it go to waste, even if it’s free!

Sometimes we all need someone to talk to, sometimes we don’t want an answer just an ear. Therapists are expensive, friends aren’t always around when you need them, but Jesus is always there and he’s free. Just talk and He will listen. He’ll give you the answer if you really want one, otherwise just unload on Him. He will handle your problems for you. He will give you peace and straighten out the confusion. It might just be a new thought, new clarity on a situation, a new way at looking at the situation, but I always feel like those thoughts and ideas come from Jesus. But not until you talk to Jesus does it get figured out! Have you been praying for something for a long time and ask yourself, “Why doesn’t He answer my prayers? Or ask yourself “Could I have already received the answer and somehow missed it? Sometimes we are so focused on what we want, that we don’t recognize the answer we received. Praying is talking to Jesus.

What I learned this month: “She doth protest to much me thinks”, a line from Shakespeare. The ones telling you there are no conspiracies in the government, are probably the ones behind it.

Elk City High School minutes 1957

The delicious dinner was served by the W.S.C.S. Circle I of the Methodist church to 174 members and their guests, including 14 Seniors of the class of 1957.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Opal Frazier, class of 1928. She extended greetings to all members and their guest. The program was enjoyed by all with Miss Lorraine Denton, class of 54, acting as toastmaster.

The roll of classes given by the sec. and treas, Miss Katherine Lombard, class of 54, provided the main event of the evening. All members were asked to stand, introduce themselves and their guest, also give their occupation, where they were from and a few commented on school life in their day. Mr. Sam Davis, class of 1892, from Glendale, Calif. was the oldest member present, with Mrs. Mae Harmon Cox, class of 1894, from here, the next oldest member present Mrs. Vada Wright, class of 1915, extend sorrow of the death of Mrs. Lou Dancer Faler who had attended regularly for a number of years.

The nominating committee composed of Anna Hare, class of 37, Ethel Wilson, class of 46, and Lois Springer class of 45, presented the following officers for 1958: Gerald Godsey, class of 45, President; Leon Newkirk, class of 1926, Vice-President; Sandra Aemisegger, class of 56; Secretary and Anna Slater, class of 1915 treasurer.

Following adjournment a social hour was enjoyed by visiting and looking over the display of all keepsakes in charge of Willa Widick, class of 1920

Financial Report:br
Balance forwarded $85.44br
Ticket Sold 162.00br
Collection 40.05br
Total 287.49br

W.S.C.S. Circle I (Methodist Church) $130.50br
Decoration (Mrs. Helen James)br
Elk City Sun (printing) 26.28br
Total 173.75br

Balance on hand $113.74 signed Kathalene Lombard

A news article with a picture of Samuel A. Davis and Mrs. Mae Harmon Cox was in file. Dated May 29th, 1957 no Newspaper indicated but would assume it is the Elk City Sun.

The Good Old Days

taken from the Elk City Sun dated 8-27-1920

School Tablets, pencils, inks, pens, note books, book straps, rulers, etc Pendarvis Drug Store./P>

J. J. Foster, the drilling contractor is building a new garage and also adding another room to his residence property on east Hickory Street.

Only one more week until school opens. The kids are probably not very anxious for September 6 to arrive but the fishing and swimming season will soon be over anyhow.

We offer to bet 15 cents in cash that the alley from the rear of the Elk Hotel to the rear of Walklo Kelly's store can show more filth and outstink any other alley in town excepting the one from the rear of the gas office to the rear of the Masonic Hall. A Citizen

Elk City was visited by burglars again Saturday night, when the Blank drug store was robbed of over $150 in cash and goods. Entrance was gained by knocking some boards off of a rear door and unbolting the door from the inside. Between $9 and $10 was taken from the cash register and the jewelry case was robbed of a wrist watch, a dozen rings and three strings of beads. No other goods were missed. The robbery was discovered when the store was opened for business Sunday Morning. There is no clue to the guilty party of parties but it is believed to be the work of home talent.
taken from Elk City Sun dated 10-29-1920
The Lincoln Art Exhibit will be displayed at the school house November 10, 11, and 12th.
The Agricultural class has been testing milk this week. Many of the high school pupils accompanied the basketball teams to Longton Friday. The Physics class has been making specif gravity test this week. They worked out by experiment the specific gravity of Sulfuric acid, hydrochloride acid, nitric acid, hard wood, brass, gasoline, limestone, and glass.



McGee, Marcia S. age 71 passed away April 3, 2020
Janzen Roger Dean, passed away May 1,
Clem, Hilda died 9-5-20