2020 1st Quarter Newsletter
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Another Early Pioneer of Elk City, Kansas
Woodring, H. H. Pioneer of Elk City, Kansas
PRIDE Awards Banquet

This year the award went to Dianne Reed and Sharon Rogers librarians. Attached behind the Community Building Elk City has a small town library. They are doing a great job and have internet access, a large screen tv lots of used books, books from the S. E. Kansas library system, DVD, read children stories and have Melissa's puppet show, class annuals.
Elk City was awarded City of Excellence as a PRIDE town. Elk City was honored by Kansas State University and given a sign to post.

Around Town
Community U has been having BINGO this winter. They also have been able to pass out some food bank produce. </p)
Gingham Aprons is working on education lesson of Games - good for the family. Gingham Aprons FCE and the Senior Citizens have been having Game Day on Senior Citizen meals.
Elk City is minding the quarantine.
Mr. Davidson celebrated his 94th birthday and 73 years of marriage
Most people staying home because of Kansas mandate and Corona Virus, hopefully it gets under control soon
Carson Lodge held their annual whole hog and waffle supper the first Saturday in February. The weather was very nice and a crowd enjoyed the great sausage and waffles all you can eat.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Newton celebrated their 48th Anniversary
A Wooly knitters and crocheters class started at the library making hats for shaken babies
The Carson Lodge 4th Sunday Breakfast was scheduled to begin the 4th Sunday of March, it was canceled due to the Kansas stay home policy
The annual Easter Egg Hunt was also canceled for this year
Mrs. Newkirk celebrated her 89th birthday in January
The Jones family celebrated their 50th anniversary
All the clubs, churches and different organizations have postponed all their plans because of the virus pandemic
Some of the churches have given church service over facebook and some are doing a drive to service. Americans are mostly very inventive, must be the pioneer spirit
The new Town of Excellence given to PRIDE through Kansas State University is posted as you enter Elk City.
Beautiful Red bud trees are blooming. Photos taken by Janet Rau
Tid Bits by Jane
Do you know the hymn, “I Wonder as I Wonder”? Out under the sky How Jesus the Savior did come for to die for poor on'ry people like you and like I. I wonder as I wander out under the sky.”
Now that 2020 is here, I wonder as I wander. First, I wonder where is the SUN!!! Too many cloudy dreary days. Second, I heard a radio commentator talking about living a fulfilled life…. Then there is the pursuit of Happiness. Are we in the pursuit of Happiness to live a fulfilled life? What is a fulfilled life? As I sit & think, Oh I haven’t done this or I should have done that… would those things have made me feel anymore fulfilled? I would imagine the meaning is something different to everyone. Some would say Travel to places you have always dreamed of, going to famous places and sites all across the world, like the Grand Canyon, Great Wall of China, and national parks in Africa for a safari. Engage in extreme sports like mountaineering, skydiving, rock climbing, white water rafting and bungee jumping. Visit an ocean and engage in all the activities there like deep sea fishing, surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling or whale watching, all these sites are wonderful to see, but do you have to do them to be happy? Spending your free time developing a new hobby, volunteering with a local group, or joining your local church. Have lunch with someone who did something that annoyed you and work out how you can improve your relationship with them and also forgive them. Throw a huge party for all your friends to have fun together and show them how much you appreciate them. I love a good party; I receive happiness from visiting and being around people. Then there are those who feel their life is fulfilled by just simply enjoying the small pleasures of life like watching the sunrise and sunset from their porch swing. Reading a good book or looking out for shooting stars, Dancing in the pouring rain with someone you love and playing in the mud. Planting a garden, growing flowers, playing with the kitties, hunting with a new puppy, enjoy spending time with your children and grandchildren and growing old with your spouse. Whatever makes you happy, go do it, but it doesn’t always have to be the wild adventure that makes us happy. Most of all, on your quest for a life fulfilled, make sure that in your pursuits, life includes Christ and that you lived in such a manner as to Honor Him and love one another. Happy blessed 2020 to all!
We went on our annual farmer trip, 30 couples from the area that farm. There were lots of farmer tans walking the beach. It doesn’t take long for the hotel employees to recognize us and remember us! We went
to Cancun, sea, sand and sun. That’s my kind of life. not snow, rain and mud! But so glad to be back in the USA! Farmers were busy closing out the end of the year & starting a new one. They would like to fertilize wheat ground & spring crop ground if it doesn’t get muddy. Haul last year crop to town if it’s still in the bins. Work on equipment that broke down last fall in the middle of harvest or just service it so it’s ready to start all over again in the spring & summer.
What I learned this month: I will miss Margie Warren, so to this I say, visit family & friends often, treasure friendships; nobody is too young or too old to be your friend. With modern technology it’s much easier to keep in touch with friends that have moved away, so use it. Send a card, snail mail, (to which the pony express was faster). People love to receive cards, calls & visits, yes… even texts or emails. Happy Valentine’s Day
Did your team win the Super Bowl? Mine did!!!What a great game, with the last 7 minutes being the best. The Farmers that are smart enough were fertilizing their wheat this month when the ground would freeze or
in between the rain/snow. BRRR.. it was cold on the 13th, 13 deg. with a feel like wind chill of -3! Some area schools closed due to the chill! Of course, the guys at Joeboy’s Café are tough, they walked to school in the snow & frigid temps. They had coal stoves in the middle of the schoolhouse and only one little fire in the teepee! Oh, the good ‘ol days!
Out my window I see the birds at the bird feeder, surrounded by snow. Certainly, has been a strange winter so far for us, even tho snow didn’t last long & the ice didn’t accumulate! We’ve had 20 deg and 70 deg in the same day. We are so lucky in this area not to have double digits below 0! A little rain goes along ways this time of the year and we had plenty of it the end of the month. I feel sorry for all the animals during the cold rain & ice… wild, pets and farm. I’m so ready to play in the dirt. Spring is still a few weeks away.
How did your Valentine’s Day stack up in the world of Love? The average American spends $106 on flowers, candy, dinner or other ways of saying I love you and 73% of all flower sales are on V-day Do we really
need a special day to be nice and say I Love You to special people in our lives? Be nice every day. Prayers were answered when nobody was hurt in the wreck at Two Squirrels intersection involving Laura Hedges Edward’s son. Prayers are needed for the Mustoe family. She & her son-in-law, Harvey were in a car accident near Oak Valley. They both sustained injuries & Bonnie passed due to hers. Bonnie is the late Ruby Truitt’s daughter. Ruby was a sister to Myrtle Cox & Hattie Davidson. Our sympathies with the family. She is missed.
The Community U working with Caney Food Bank to distribute Veggies and Fruit to the community. There is no knowing when they’ll have something to give away, but it’s sure nice when they do! The PRIDE Soup
Supper was enjoyed by a crowd of citizens enjoying hot soup and fellowship. Thank you, Sharon & Dianne, for your library work. What I learned this month: If you’re keeping track, we’re half way through the snows this winter, according to the old wives tales. Which brings us to another tale, “A fool and his money shall soon part”, but I managed to quadruple my money at casino, spent $5 and brought home $25, so big spender, but no fool!!
To bidet or not is the question at coffee this week. While it’s reported sales are soaring with the toilet paper crisis, we’re just not sure that’s the way to go. The consensus was, we definitely needed warm water! Although it’s been said, if you ever bidet, you never go back to paper?? The corona virus appears to be a terrible situation griping the whole world. There’s plenty of jokes to go around, which is not all bad, as we need to remember to have some humor and approach the situation with wise decisions not panic. The educators in Elk City and area are working with the school systems to insure children won’t fall behind and help them finish the school year at home. The 1st Christian Church is offering free wi-fi from their parking lot. No, this isn’t as convenient as sitting down at a desk, but it’s better than nothing if you’re needing to download your schoolwork and school is closed. Graduations, proms and sports aren’t nearly as important as our health, but it is a sad time for the seniors that are missing the end of
the year activities. It’s sad if you have a loved one in a nursing home and it is on lock down. There is plenty of sadness to go around, just remember, Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Did March come in like a lion or a lamb? If we consider the corona virus that has the country/world in a panic, it was definitely a LION! Are we suppose to panic or just be cautious? Are we suppose to panic or be calm and know that this too will pass? Be calm and know the economy & the stock market and the SOYBEAN MARKET will also come back. It’s hard to be calm! Sad time for high school and college seniors that will
miss their graduations and end of year sports & events. But then, it’s a sad time for a lot of people. We always think the authorities should or could have done something different. We just have to remember to pull together for the good of the country and do the best we can. Don’t worry, pray and God will be with us. Even though the 1st was nice as far as the weather, the 2nd was cold. Some friends in Labette Co. had rain & hail on the first. The 10 days of no rain was nice for us, as the farmers are ready to spray weeds and do field work. March sure had one day cold and one day warm or one day calm and one day windy! And then it rained, and it rained. Is this a repeat of last spring with floods? I spent one of the nice days raking & burning leaves and sticks. I burned lots of leaves, tree limbs and pampas grass with the garden hose on standby. If it wasn’t for tree debris, spring clean- up would be easy. The daffodils, tulips & fruit trees are in full bloom and very pretty. Some gardens are worked up & in hopes of being
planted. I planted onions, lettuce, radish, spinach, but not sure any of it will survive the rains. Did you remember to spring ahead on March 8th for daylight savings time? Being the wife of a farmer, daylights
saving time only means he comes in an hour later and we eat supper an hour later, it doesn’t really help my day! It’s Armadillo season & Daniel Boone is on the hunt. Either it hasn’t warmed up enough or they are scarce, he is having trouble finding any. I see plenty of places in my yard to make me think they are still abundant!
Keep the Library schedule handy, lots of activities for young and old going on Wed. and Saturdays. A nice rain for the firefighters calmed the fires and cleared the air, but the farmers were hoping for more dry weather. They were scattering a lot of fertilizer! We celebrated Amelia’s 1st birthday on March 26th. Charlotte Helling celebrated her 1st birthday on March 22nd. She is the daughter of Ashley Packett. Her grandma Michele Foster was here. What I learned this month: The importance of hand washing and social distancing. Not being to go anywhere on a rainy day has taken on new meaning!!
Alumni Minutes
The Elk City Alumni Association held its annual banquet on May 29, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. There were 154 members and guests present.
The delicious dinner was served by the In As Much Class of the Christian Church. Mrs. L. W. Davis gave the invocation followed by group singing let by Mrs. Vada Wright, accompanied by Mrs. Marilyn Inlow.
Mrs. Helen Jones, called the meeting to order and extended greetings from E.C.H.S to all members and their guests. Mrs. James expressed sorrow of the sudden death of Mrs. Maude Clingen who was an old stand by member.
A very nice program was enjoyed by all when Miss Carmen Wesson activies toastmaster. The roll of classes provided the main event of the evening. All members were asked to stand and give their occupation. Also introduce themselves and their guests, then give a few comments on school life in their day. Letters were read from some of the alumni who couldn't attend the get together. A social hour followed adjournment.
The nominating Committee composed of Clara McCord, Jenette Newkirk, Bruce McCord, and Frank Darbo presented the following officers for next year.
Mrs. Opal Frazier - President
Frank Darbro Vice President
Miss Kathleen Lombard - Secretary Treasurer
Financial Report:
Balance forwarded 86.38
Tickets sold & collected 176.95
total 263.33
Stamps and Cards 13.80
In As Much Class 115.50
Flowers 10.20
Cases Book Store 5.99
Ned Davis (printing) 32.40
total expenses 177.89
Balance on hand 85.44
signed Twila Godsey Sec & Trea
Good Old Days
Louisburg Township printed in the South Kansas Tribune dated March 2, 1921
[High Woodring; one of the early pioneers of Louisburg township but now of Neodesha, sends us a few items concerning the early days of that township and the names of some of the early settlers, most of who have gone to their reward. This township could well be called Kentucky, as the first settlers were largely from that state:When I located in Montgomery county there was no railroad nearer than Thayer or Parsons. The early settlers came west to get a home and run for office. I have served in office for most of the time, from councilman, township office, constable, justice of the peace, and state grain inspector, and now at the age of 85 have declined to serve longer, the ladies have always been my best friends. In 1871 I was running a butcher shop in Elk City and there were no hogs to be had in the township. A man from Missouri drove 500 head into Liberty and I borrowed $350.00 of Jake Brock and $300.00 from J. Sellars and sent teams over to Liberty and bought fifty-six head and butchered them and sold them out in ten days. Eggs were selling at three dozen for a dime and in 1919 I paid 80 cents a dozen for eggs, not the same ones. My first office was clerk of school district 26 by appointment from county superintendent N. Bass in 1871. I went with Walter Haward to Hooker, Okla., and started a bank and was president for a time, selling out in 1906. I am enjoying good health and thank Almighty God for his many blessings.
There are many items of the early days in and around Elk City, which I am unable to get in shape for publication. I call to mind many of my old time associates, most f whom have gone to their reward, but a number are still permitted to live to see Montgomery county the best county in Kansas.
Among the old timers were:
Wm. Wright, H.H. Hare, J. P. Morgan, Frank Baker, Robert Brooken, John Cappell, M. H. Baird, Alex Baird, Ben Allen, Eugene Beard, R. Thornburg, William Baird, John Lipple, L. B. Davis, Brent Davis, U. R. Danitell, George Fritz, J. G. Potter, Col Fred Palmer, John Castillo, A. J. Davidson, A. C. Eversole, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. McVey, Asher Davidson James Stratton, W. M. Rentfro, Ed Owens, George Owens, Thomas Whistler, J. K. Snyder, John G. Whistler, Alex McDowell., A. R. Quigg, Lem Kniffen, Wm. Carson, James Cole, Henry Cox, Wm. Robins, John Jeeter, James Ashbaugh, Dr. W. W. Woodring, George Sherman, M. D. Wright, J. A. Brown, Sam West, Hugh West, James Kelley, James M. Kelly, W. J. Oliver, H. B. Kelley, J. R. S. D. Kelley and grandfather of all the Kelleys Elijah Kelly, Ed Cole, Tom Allen, Moses Ottenger, A. R. Slocom, Will Aldridge, Oliver Hayward, M. L. Stephens, C. M. Stark, Frank Sherman. There are others still living but I fail to call them up at this time.
If all the Old Settlers of the county would only get together, with Thomas and Charles Yoe and have a reunion they would never forget the day as long as they were permitted to live.
Here is good health and long life to all. Yours
High Woodring, Neodesha, Kansas