ECHS past Alumni Minutes 1938

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Marilyn Marr Adams shared some of the old Elk City Alumni Banquet minutes and I thought it might bring back some memories from the past.  The minutes were handed down from one alumni banquet to another through the years until they ended up with Marilyn Adams to keep.

First Alumni Banquet dated May 23, 1938:

On Monday evening, May 23, 1938 the Elk City High School Alumni members gave a banquet at the high school auditorium, in honor of Miss Anna Easley, who had been an instructor in the Elk City Schools for 29 years.  The tables were arranged to form a capital “E”, and decorated in Red and white, the E.C.H.S. school colors.  Other decorations were bowls of red roses and lighted red candles.

Invocation was given by Maggie Christman and music was furnished during the entire evening by Miss Dorothy Klawuhn, music teacher of the city schools.  Mrs. Vada Wrright was chairman, with Mrs. Ethel Jones of Hutchinson, acting as toast mistress.  Vocal solos were given by Mrs. Dorothy Cornue and Thornton Pendergrast.

The theme, Easley was carried out in the program. “E” signified early history of the school and was given by Mrs. Arlena Pinkston; “A” for appreciation, was given by W. J. Newkirk; “S” for Service, by Mrs. Franke Quigg; “L” for Loyalty by Fred Meeks; “E” for Education, by Mrs. Marie Weber, County Superintendent of Montgomery County “Y” for yield, given by Mrs. James Cox.

An appropriate response was given by Miss Anna Easley.  Classes as far back as 1889 were represented.  Letters and telegrams were presented to Miss Easley from ones who could not be present.

Following the program a short business meeting was held.  Mrs. Frankie Quigg was elected as President; Mrs. Susie Ranking Vice-President; and Harold McCord as Secretary-Treasuer.  It was decided to make the Elk City High School Alumni Banquet an annual affair, the date being decided upon by a committee.

Money received from contribution at Banquet $8.00
Amount received from sale of tickets $55.00
Amount received from Helen James, 95 cents
Total Amounted collected $64.60
Amount paid out:

Helen James Serving banquet $41.00
Ed Whistler Janitor Services $2.00
Paul Rankin 65 cents
Drug Store – Decorations $1.45

Total paid out $45.10
leaving a balance of $19.50 on hand May 27, 1938

This story was featured in the 4th quarter 2016 Elk City Newsletter.