These are the advertisements that appeared in the 1928 telephone book.

Citizens State Bank, Elk City, Kansas
Capital ---$15,000.00
Officers and Directors: E. E. Lugeanbeal, Pres. J. L.; Newkirk, Vice Pres. Pearl Lugeanbeal, Chasier
F. A. Quigg and Dr. H. C. Kyger

Powell Telephone Company, Elk City
L. H. White Mgr. April 1928

Paul E. Pinkston
Complete Insurance Service
Public Liability - Property Damage - Plate Glass - Surety Bonds
Phone 3

Frank Barnes
General Line of Furniture
Floor Coverings, Window Shades, Mirrors, Carpet, Sweepers, Vacuum Cleaners,
Dustless Floor Mops, O'Cedar Polish, Picture Framing

Undertaking and Funeral Directing
Day Phone 131 Night Phone 117

Peerless Oil & Refining Co.

L. E. Moore, Agent
Prompt Tank Wagon Service

Aeropel Motor and Aeropel High Compression Gasoline, Glowene Kerosene, Peroflex,
Pennzoil, Veedol, Mobiloils, Peroflex Cup Grease, Axle Grease and Hard Oil
Phone Orders 181 Elk City

Meyer, The Cleaner
Cleaning and Pressing
Clothes Called for and Delivered in town. Prompt Service
Shop Phone 24 Res Phone 173

Smith Music Co.
Pianos - Player Pianos - Victrolas - Records - Radios
Sheet Music and Band Instruments
Easy Terms Arranged
Phone 261 Fredonia, Kansas

W. C. Bryant
Real Estate and Investments
Farm Loans and Insurance
Office Phone 94

Fitzjarrald Cafe
Mrs. Ruth Fitzjarrald, Prop.
Home Cooking, Home Made Pies, A Good Place to Eat
Try Our Sunday Dinners

Fred Geckeler
The shoe Man
We fit your feet with shoes that look well and to last
Phone 716 Est. 1893 111 N. Penn Independence, Kansas

Stinson's Hatchery
Quality Chicks - All Varieties
Big Husky, Day-old Chicks from Selected, Free Range Flock.  100% Live Delivery
We Do Custom Hatching
phone 3   on 177  Elk City, Kansas

Ben Clark
Dry Goods, Notions, Work Clothing, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
We pride ourselves on prompt delivery of phone orders
call Phone No. 18

Elk City Ice and Storage Company
Manufacturers and Distributors of Home Made Ice
24 hour service   Phone No. 14

R. C.. Vaiughn
Live Stock and General Auctioneer,  Honesty is my Policy
Phone 172   Elk City

Wm, Hasselmann

Flowers for all Occasions, Funeral work is our Specialty
When you need Flowers insist on Hasselmann's
Independence, Kansas  phone 1205

Montgomery County Abstract Company
Walter E. Skinner    Justin L.  Miller
Bonded Abstracters phone 2780   Independence, Kansas 118-1/2 W. Myrtle Street

The Modern Monument Company
Artistic Monuments of all Design and Sizes
We can furnish you with Montello
Office phone 2188   plant 104 E. Chestnut Independence, Kansas

E. R. Shaffer
If you want Quality Goods at "Live and Let Live" Prices, don't forget to call on us when in Elk City.
We can supply your table complete - Meats, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables.
We deliver phone 152 for prices on Poultry, Egg and Cream.

Dr. C. A. Shumway, D. D. S.
Successor to Dr. W. S. Cady
Dental Parlor Over the State Bank of Fredonia
Office Phone 162 Res. Phone 11

Teats Tire Shop
Phone 152
Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Sinclair, Gas and Oils, Tube Valcanizing

Drybread's Market
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Phone No. 111 Top Prices for Butter and Eggs

Dr. Malcolm V. Brown
Exclusive Optometrist
Eye Examinations 8:30 to 4:30
Phone 201 in advance for appointment
Beldorf Theatre Bldg. Independence, Kansas

Kishpaugh's Greenhouse
Flowers for All Occasions
Mrs. Frank Barnes, Agent, Phone 131 or 117 Elk City
Greenhouse Phone 1039 Independence, Kansas

The Wills Cafes
112 Myrtle - 223 Penn - 106 N. 8th.
Clean, Wholesome Meals and Short Orders at Reasonable Prices.
Prompt, Courteous Service. Bring the family here when you are in town.
A specialty of K. C. Corn Fed Steaks

T. E. Smith, M. D.
Eye, Ear, Norse and Throat and Fitting of Glasses
310 Citizen Bank Bldg. Independence, Kansas
Phone 516 Res phone 1880

The Elk City Sun
L. W. Davis, Editor and Owner
For Twenty-Five years it has recorded the happenings of this community. If you are not a regular reader of the Sun, subscribe now. Rates - $1.50 per year in Montgomery County and Elk City routes (Including Oak Valley and Lafontaine)
$2.00 per year outside of county

Modern Job Printing Department
Our equipment enables us to give you high class work at prices that are moderate.
Always glad to furnish estimates on printed matter.
We make a Specialty of Printing Sales Bills.
Office Phone No. 58

Peerless Service Station
Drive-in, High Grade Gasoline, Kerosene, Motor Oils and Greases, Grease Rack Service
G. H. Taggart, Proprietor
Phone 116 Elk City, Kansas

Merchants Transfer & Storage Co.
Always Moving, Moving, Storage, Crating, Anything Anywhere Anytime
De-Mothing Service - Harry Goff, Prop.
111# Main Telephones 84 and 1000 Independence, Kansas

Rock Island Lumber & Coal Co.
C. G. Foster, mgr.
Dealer in Lumber, Cement, Lime, Paint, Oils, Sash and Doors
Building Material of all Kinds Phone 23

Loether Motor Company
Authorized Dealers Hudson and Essex Cars
Goodyear Tires and Tubes, Accessories, Gas and Oil, Radio Sets and Accesories
Phone No. 64 for our "Trouble Car"

C. & C. Supply Co.
Cars and Trucks, Willard Batteries, Goodrich Tires, Tubes, Cities Service Gas.

Coleman & Gillespie
Red Star and Old Trail Flour, Feed, Tankage, Meat, Scrapes, Salt and Coal.
Give us a ring when you have Grain to sell.
Phone 20 and 26

Robertson's Store
Phone 128 R. M. Robertson
Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies and Gents' Furnishings, Notions and Peters Shoes,
Thoroughbred Hats Elk City, Leading Store

Frank A. Quigg
Hardware and Implements Phone 57
Everything in Hardware, John Deere, Farm Implements, Gas Fittings, Plumbing and Tire work.
Successor to A. R. Quigg and Son Established 1878
The Winchester Store

Barnes Motor Company
Lincoln - Ford - Forson,
cars trucks Tractors Authorized Sales and Service and Besides, We appreciate your Biz.